Professional Services
Trusted Family Law Support - Valuation, Tax and Financial Analysis Services
Business Valuation for Divorce, Consultation Regarding Tax Issues in Divorce, Development of “Tax Smart” Divorce Settlements, Determination of Income Available for Support Pursuant to MCSFM, and more....

Attorney Profile
Joe Cunningham is a certified public account and an attorney who has specialized in tax, valuation, and other financial aspects of divorce for over 25 years. Joe practices with a “settlement orientation”, assisting lawyers and parties to reach fair, equitable resolutions.

Journal Articles
Joe has spoken and written extensively on tax, valuation, and financial aspects of divorce on behalf of the Michigan Judicial Institute, Michigan Bar Family Law Section, Institute of Continuing Legal Education (ICLE), Michigan Association of Certified Public Accountants, the American Bar Association, the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, various local bar associations, and other professional organizations