December 2017 : House Ways and Means Committee Proposes “Tax Reform” Legislation that Provides (1) Alimony Would No Longer Taxable or Deductible and (2) Deductions for Personal Exemptions Would Be Eliminated. “Tax Cut and Jobs Act”, H.R. 1

Michigan Family Law Journal : TAX TRENDS AND DEVELOPMENTS Feature

by Joseph W. Cunningham, JD, CPA

In late October, 2017, the House Ways and Means Committee introduced the “Tax Cut and Jobs Act” (Act) which would, if enacted, provide sweeping changes to federal taxation of individuals and businesses. For the most part, if passed, the new provisions would take effect on January 1, 2018.

The Act has numerous, significant revisions to current tax law. The following are some of the most notable for family law practitioners.

Alimony Proposal

As noted, among the many changes in the Act is the provision that spousal support payments would be non-deductible / non-taxable, similar to the treatment of child support payments. This would apply to divorce judgments and separation agreements executed after 2018, and to any such documents amended after 2018 which expressly provide for tax treatment under the Act to apply.

Comments on the Alimony Proposal

Tax Subsidy Eliminated

Often the spousal support payer is in a meaningfully higher tax bracket than the payee spouse. This affords the opportunity to obtain a “tax subsidy” from Uncle Sam. For example, if W, the payer, is in a 40% federal tax bracket and H is in a 20% bracket, it costs Uncle Sam twenty cents on the dollar of spousal support paid:

[View Table in PDF file below]

Under the Act, such tax subsidies would no longer be available.

Advantageous Use of Section 71 Payments Also Eliminated

When there is a significant disparity in brackets, what have become known as Section 71 payments have often provided an effective, tax saving tool when structuring:

  1. A buy-out of one spouse’s marital interest in the other’s business or professional practice.
  2. A division of non-qualified retirement or executive benefits for which a QDRO cannot be used.
  3. A payment of the other spouse’s professional fees on a tax deductible basis.
  4. A “global” settlement taking advantage to the bracket disparity.

These and other uses of Section 71 payments would be unavailable under the Act.

Planning Consideration

As noted, the current taxable/deductible tax treatment of spousal support can be used to advantage. If such is the case and subject divorce is in a position to conclude before yearend, consider the merits of doing so.

Other Selected Highlights of Proposed Changes

Individual Tax Changes

  • Tax Brackets—The current 7 tax brackets ranging from 10% to 39.6% would be replaced by 4 brackets – 12%, 25%, 35%, and 39.6%. The top bracket would apply taxable income of singles exceeding $500,000, and marrieds’ taxable income over $1,000,000.
  • Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT)—Eliminated
  • Deduction for Personal Exemptions—Eliminated.
  • Standard Deduction—Increased substantially – $12,000 for single; $18,000 for single with qualifying child; $24,000 for married.
  • Certain Itemized Deductions Eliminated—State & local income taxes; medical expenses; casualty losses; tax preparation fees; unreimbursed business expenses; all interest expense except for mortgage interest on principal residence.
  • Child Tax Credit—Increased from $1,000 to $1,600.

Business Tax Changes

  • Tax Brackets— Corporate tax rate would be a flat rate of 20%; 25% for personal service corporations.
  • Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT)—Eliminated
  • “Pass-Through” Entities—Generally, the tax rate on S Corporation and LLC pass-through income would be 25% on 30% of the income; the balance of 70% – subject to individual tax rates.

Will the Act Become Law?

The Senate Finance Committee will next prepare its version of the tax reform bill. Then a Joint Conference Committee will iron out differences and the resulting bill will be presented to the House and Senate for approval.

Due to the failure to enact any significant GOP platform item to date, there will be considerable pressure to pass tax
reform legislation this year. The House bill provides a foundation for moving it forward.

About the Author

Joe Cunningham has over 25 years of experience specializing in financial and tax aspects of divorce, including business valuation, valuing and dividing retirement benefits, and developing settlement proposals. He has lectured extensively for ICLE, the Family Law Section, and the MACPA. Joe is also the author of numerous journal articles and chapters in family law treatises. His office is in Troy, though his practice is statewide.

Download the PDF file below… “House Ways and Means Committee Proposes “Tax Reform” Legislation that Provides (1) Alimony Would No Longer Taxable or Deductible and (2) Deductions for Personal Exemptions Would Be Eliminated. “Tax Cut and Jobs Act”, H.R. 1”
View / Download December 2017 Article – PDF File

Complete Michigan Family Law Journal available at: Michigan Bar website – Family Law Section (subscription required)

November 2017 : Court of Appeals (1) Approves Trial Court’s Award to W of Part of H’s Pension Accrued Before Marriage and (2) Rules It Is Not an Invasion of His Separate Property – Koch, Mich App No. 333020 (7/18/17)

Michigan Family Law Journal : TAX TRENDS AND DEVELOPMENTS Feature

by Joseph W. Cunningham, JD, CPA


  • H and W were separated in 2014, in part due to alleged multiple incidents of spousal abuse, and were subsequently divorced after 27 years of marriage.
  • At the time of divorce, H, 55, was receiving a pension of $51,880 annually while W, 54, was earning $15,058 at a parochial school district where she had worked for 22 years.
  • Part of H’s pension was accrued before the 1987 marriage.
  • H had health insurance as part of his retirement package while W did not have employer paid health insurance.
  • In view of (1) H’s fault for the breakdown of the marriage and (2) the disparate financial circumstances of the parties, the trial court awarded W 55% of H’s pension as spousal support.
  • H appealed, claiming that by awardingW 55% of his pension, the trial court inappropriately invaded his separate property.

Court of Appeals (COA/Court) Decision

  • The COA upheld the trial court decision and ruled that it did not invade H’s separate estate.
  • The COA stated the following regarding whether a trial court’s jurisdiction was limited to retirement plan contributions made during marriage:
[M CL 552.18(1)} does not expressly restrict the circuit court’s jurisdiction to pension contributions made within the confines of the marriage. Although that statutory provision
provides that pension contributions made during the marriage must be considered, it does not expressly provide that contributions made before the marriage may not be considered. That is, the language is inclusive and mandates what must be taken into account, but does not expressly exclude consideration of other contributions. [Boonstra, 209 Mich App at 562]
  • Further, the Court stated that the following rationale has been adopted regarding whether pension benefits accrued pre-marriage may be divided in divorce:

The major consideration is the security of the family and the court may utilize any property in the real and personal estate of either party to achieve suitable support for the family as the court considers just and reasonable after considering the ability of either party to pay and the character and the situation of the parties, and all the other circumstances of the case. [Booth, 194 Mich App 284,290(1992); Pickering, 268 Mich App 1,9(2005).

  • Thus, the COA decided that in light of the circumstances of the case,“it was ‘just and reasonable’ for the trial court to include in its considerations the portion of Defendant’s pension that had accrued before the marriage. Booth, 194 Mich App 291.”
  • Finally, the Court stated that because the trial court did not consider H’s pension accrued before marriage as his separate property, it did not have to consider the statutory exceptions (i.e., need or contribution) for invading a separate estate under MCL552.23.

Comments on the Case

  • Essentially, the COA ruled that when pre-marital retirement benefits are involved, a “just and reasonable” standard for providing “suitable support of the family” is the paramount consideration.
  • And, if awarded as spousal support, neither exception for invading separate property need be established to justify the award.
    Rather, ensuring the “suitable support of the family” takes precedence.
  • This seems to run counter to typical compliance with the Reeves mandate to first identify the (1) marital and (2) separate components of the parties’ various property interests.
  • What then is done in lock-step fashion is to treat the respective marital and separate property components of the total estate accordingly.
  • But, as we know, if one party establishes “need” under MCL552.23, the other’s separate property may be invaded to suitably provide for the need.
  • What the unpublished Koch decision indicates is that when a pre-marital retirement benefit is involved and need is established, paying it as spousal support vs. an invasion of separate property is an option.
  • This seems somewhat at odds with the 1997 Reeves decision mandate. However, if “need” is established, the substantive result is similar either way – that is, use of pre-marital retirement benefits to satisfy the need.

Food for Thought

  • “Need” sometimes consists of inadequate retirement security coupled with the lack of ability and/or time post-divorce to establish sufficient funds for support in retirement years.
  • In such a case, if the other party has a 401(k) or qualified plan savings account which includes a pre-marital component, the, “suitable support of the family” standard might justify use of one party’s pre-marital retirement account to provide for the other’s suitable support in retirement years.

About the Author

Joe Cunningham has over 25 years of experience specializing in financial and tax aspects of divorce, including business valuation, valuing and dividing retirement benefits, and developing settlement proposals. He has lectured extensively for ICLE, the Family Law Section, and the MACPA. Joe is also the author of numerous journal articles and chapters in family law treatises. His office is in Troy, though his practice is statewide.


Download the PDF file below… “Court of Appeals (1) Approves Trial Court’s Award to W of Part of H’s Pension Accrued Before Marriage and (2) Rules It Is Not an Invasion of His Separate Property – Koch, Mich App No. 333020 (7/18/17)”
View / Download November 2017 Article – PDF File

Complete Michigan Family Law Journal available at: Michigan Bar website – Family Law Section (subscription required)

October 2017 : Court of Appeals Approves Trial Court’s (1) Disallowance of Some Business Expenses and (2) Imputation of Income to H in Determining His Income for Support – Bridge, No. 335453 (8/15/2017)

Michigan Family Law Journal : TAX TRENDS AND DEVELOPMENTS Feature

by Joseph W. Cunningham, JD, CPA


  • H and W were divorced in 2016 reaching a settlement with the assistance of a “conciliator.”
  • In 2015, H was an employee earning $300,000 as a salesperson.
  • But, in 2016, as an independent contractor, his income declined substantially to, H claimed, around $75,000.
  • Thus, he petitioned the court to reduce his spousal and child support obligations, and to do so retroactively.
  • The trial court acknowledged the steep decline of H’s income and that such was involuntary.
  • But the court disallowed some of H’s claimed business expenses and, further, imputed income to him based on what his partner, with whom he split commissions, was making, in deciding that his income was $132,000 for support purposes.
  • The reduction was not applied retroactively to extent petitioned by H.
  • H appealed.

Court of Appeals (COA/Court) Decision

  • The COA upheld the trial court decision.
  • Regarding business expenses disallowed, the COA cited the 2017 Michigan Child Support Formula Manual 2.01(E)(4)(e) which provides:

    For a variety of historical and policy reasons, the government allows considerable deductions for business-related expenses before taxes are calculated. Those same considerations are not always relevant to monies a parent should have available for child support. Therefore, some deductions should be added back into a parent’s income for purposes of determining child support ….

  • In this regard, the Court stated that H did not explain how expenses paid for a conference in Wyoming related to his Lansing based business.
  • There was also not an adequate allocation of his auto expenses to personal use.
  • The Court noted that “the trial court must add back into a parent’s income insurance, utility, entertainment, and automobile expenses, as well as travel expenses, unless they are ‘inherent in the nature of the business or occupation,’ even if those expenses are tax deductible. See 2017 MC- SFM 2.01(E)(4)(e)(iv).”
  • The COA also upheld the trial court’s imputation of $132,000 annual income to H. His partner, with whom he split commissions, testified that he made $76,604 for the first 7 months of the year – a monthly average of $10,943, and an annual total of $131,322.
  • Finally, the Court also ruled that modification of a support order that is part of a judgment of divorce may apply only for the period during which there is a pending petition for modification.

Comments on the Case

  • Money spent on necessary business expenses is not available for support.
  • But, if such expenses are not demonstrated as “inherent in the nature of the business or occupation” they may be added back to income available for support.
  • Further, as noted in 2017 MCSFM 2.01(E)(4)(e), “That the IRS may find the expenses reasonable is not determinative.”
  • With automobile and cell phone expenses, it is important to have a reasonable allocation to personal use.
  • And, for travel and entertainment expenses, it is required for tax purposes that documentation of date, business purpose, and expense is maintained. the same information should be on hand if requested for determining income for support.

About the Author

Joe Cunningham has over 25 years of experience specializing in financial and tax aspects of divorce, including business valuation, valuing and dividing retirement benefits, and developing settlement proposals. He has lectured extensively for ICLE, the Family Law Section, and the MACPA. Joe is also the author of numerous journal articles and chapters in family law treatises. His office is in Troy, though his practice is statewide.


Download the PDF file below… “Court of Appeals Approves Trial Court’s (1) Disallowance of Some Business Expenses and (2) Imputation of Income to H in Determining His Income for Support – Bridge, No. 335453 (8/15/2017)”
View / Download October 2017 Article – PDF File

Complete Michigan Family Law Journal available at: Michigan Bar website – Family Law Section (subscription required)

Aug / Sept 2017 : In a Published Case, Court of Appeals Approves Entry of QDRO 12 Years Post Date of Divorce–JOUGHIN, No. 329993 (7/11/2017)

Michigan Family Law Journal : TAX TRENDS AND DEVELOPMENTS Feature

by Joseph W. Cunningham, JD, CPA


  • H and W were divorced on April 28, 2003.
  • The Judgment of Divorce (JOD) awarded W (1) 50% of H’s pension accrued as of April 30, 2002 and (2) $23,823 from his profit-sharing plan account.
  • The JOD provided that both parties “shall cooperate” in obtaining and processing the QDROs necessary to effectuate the transfers to W.
  • For reasons not apparent on the record, the QDROs were not promptly filed. Instead, W submitted the QDROs for entry with the trial court on June 30, 2015- more than 12 years post-divorce.
  • H objected claiming that W’s submission of the QDROs for entry was an attempt to enforce the 2003 JOD and, hence, was time-barred under MCL 600.5809(3), which provides a 10-year statute of limitations applicable to attempts to enforce a noncontractual money obligation.
  • W responded that because her claim did not arise until H reached retirement age, that the statute had not yet begun to run.
  • Because H had not retired nor received any of his retirement benefits, the trial court entered the QDROs.
  • H appealed.

Court of Appeals Decision

  • The Court disagreed with the parties’ position that MCL 600.5809 applied to entry of a QDRO.
  • Rather, the Court cited a previous decision that “when a judgment of divorce requires a QDRO to be entered, the QDRO is to be considered as part of the divorce judgment.”
  • Accordingly, the Court stated that “because the QDRO is part of the judgment, it necessarily cannot be viewed as enforcing the same judgment.” *** “Instead, we hold that under these circumstances, the act to obtain entry of a proposed QDRO is a ministerial task done in conjunction with the divorce judgment itself.”
  • Thus, the Court concluded that entry of the QDROs was not time-barred
  • Judge Kathleen Jansen wrote a vigorous dissent claiming, for various reasons, that entry of the QDRO after 10 years was barred by the statute of limitations.

Comments on the Case

  • Obviously, the case is a “poster child” for the importance of preparing and processing QDROs promptly – either contemporaneous with entry of the divorce judgment or soon thereafter.
  • Based on many years’ experience of preparing QDROs for legal aid clients under a pro bono program administered by the State Bar, QDROs unfiled for years following divorce are not uncommon. This case – a rare family law published case – indicates that the passage of 10 years or more does not bar entry of a QDRO.
  • However, in Joughin, the participant had not begun to receive benefits. Had he done so, or remarried, or died, the situation would likely have been much more problematic for the alternate payee.
  • And, the Joughin judgment provision reprinted in the Court’s opinion did not provide that W’s share of H’s profit-sharing plan account would be adjusted proportionately for gains or losses of plan investments. With the sharp advance of the stock market from 2003 through 2015, W paid a high price for not timely attending to the QDROs.
  • In this regard, there is no precedent regarding whether the right to receive a proportional share of plan gains and losses passes automatically under state law with the transfer via QDRO of an interest in an account balance plan such as a 401(k) or profit-sharing plan as in Joughin.
  • Unless transferring a set dollar amount, it is highly advisable to include such a provision in both the JOD and the QDRO.

About the Author

Joe Cunningham has over 25 years of experience specializing in financial and tax aspects of divorce, including business valuation, valuing and dividing retirement benefits, and developing settlement proposals. He has lectured extensively for ICLE, the Family Law Section, and the MACPA. Joe is also the author of numerous journal articles and chapters in family law treatises. His office is in Troy, though his practice is statewide.

Download PDF file below… “In a Published Case, Court of Appeals Approves Entry of QDRO 12 Years Post Date of Divorce–JOUGHIN, No. 329993 (7/11/2017)”
View / Download Aug-Sept 2017 Article – PDF File

Complete Michigan Family Law Journal available at: Michigan Bar website – Family Law Section (subscription required)

June / July 2017 : Expediting the Business/Professional Practice Valuation Process

Michigan Family Law Journal : TAX TRENDS AND DEVELOPMENTS Feature

by Joseph W. Cunningham, JD, CPA


When a business or professional practice is involved in a divorce, there is often considerable difficulty and expense in determining a settlement value acceptable to both parties. This frequently is a major impediment to reaching settlement.

The fees to value a business or professional practice – and time required – can be significant, especially if two – or three – valuation experts are involved.

The following presents two methods to facilitate resolution of the valuation issue on a cost-effective, expeditious basis.

Abbreviated valuation analysis for mediation and/or settlement negotiations is often effective at providing a reliable value without “going the whole 9 yards” on the valuation process.

Essentially the business valuation expert performs a sufficient level of analysis to enable him/her to provide a reliable estimate of value–or range of values–for settlement purposes. The expert will provide well-footnoted valuation schedules and a summary report if requested.

The expert will generally be available for mediation to explain the valuation analysis.

The expert could be a “neutral” working on behalf of both parties; or, each party may hire an expert to perform an abbreviated valuation analysis. If the case is not resolved at mediation, the expert(s) can perform a more comprehensive analysis and report letter for trial or arbitration – generally with no duplication of effort.

Not all businesses are suitable for this approach. Some have too much uncertainty about the future such that an in depth analysis is required. However, based on the author’s experience, the abbreviated valuation approach applies to the vast majority of companies and professional practices.

If effective, this approach saves time and fees. The cost is generally about half the fee for a comprehensive valuation analysis and report.

Use of a neutral appraiser working on behalf of both parties is often an effective method for resolving the valuation issue on an expeditious, cost-effective manner.

It is common for each party to retain a business valuation expert. But, it is not uncommon that the values calculated by such experts are meaningfully different. If they cannot resolve the disparity in values, often a third expert is engaged to opine on value–causing considerable delay and additional fees.

However, if the parties can agree on one business appraiser at the outset, they can avoid the possible “battle of experts”. They can also save time, fees and emotion. Experienced family law practitioners know and can usually agree on a business appraiser with a reputation for competence and integrity.

When using a neutral, it is often advisable to reserve the right to have his/her valuation analysis reviewed for reasonableness by another expert. This offers some protection against a valuation analysis performed erroneously by the neutral. But, to preserve the benefits of using a neutral, the review should be limited to a “reasonableness check,” not a full-blown valuation analysis.


(see PDF below for example details)

Continued in PDF file below… “Expediting the Business/Professional Practice Valuation Process”
View / Download June 2017 Article – PDF File

Complete Michigan Family Law Journal available at: Michigan Bar website – Family Law Section (subscription required)